Inspirational Videos

Short Inspirational Videos

The Gospel: Eric Ludy

A short dramatization of the message of the gospel


The Supremacy of Christ: John Piper

A powerful reminder of the supremacy of Jesus Christ over all things, and the significance of the gospel.


Who am I: Vodie Bachoum

Answers to 4 key questions: (a) Who am I? (b) Why am I here? (c) What is wrong with the world? (d) How can what is wrong be made right?


The Return of Majesty Trilogy: Eric Ludy

A powerful presentation of who God as


Depraved Indifference: Eric Ludy

A convicting biblical indictment against the apathy and indifference we have to the vulnerable children around us.


Thunder Fisted Faith Trilogy: Eric Ludy

Three videos to help us understand the meaning and the nature of faith, and how it enables us to have victory over all our trials and propels us to put the entire weight of our lives on the promises of God in His Word, as coming from One who never changes and who cannot lie. This is the rock on which we stand.